The organizing committee of SATEE 2018 extends a
cordial invitation to you to come to Alba Iulia in a place that is recognized
as one of the most attractive cities of the world. Please have a look at
some pieces of information:
- Dacian political, economic and social center named Apulon.
When this area became a Roman province, Dacia Apulensis district was
established here, and the city was known as Apulum. Apulum was one of the
largest centers in Roman Dacia and the seat of the XIII Gemina Legion.
- Later, in the 9th century, the city was mentioned
under the name of Belgrad / Belograd (“White Castle” in Slavic languages).
- Under the name Gyulafehérvár, Alba Iulia became the
capital of the Principality of Transylvania in 1541, a status it was to retain
until 1690.
- On the other hand, the Treaty of Weissenburg (the
German name of the city) was signed in the town in 1551. It was during the
reign of Prince Gabriel Bethlen that the city reached a high point in its
cultural history, with the establishment of an academy.
- The main historical area of Alba Iulia is the upper
city, developed extensively by Charles VI of the Holy Roman Empire. The
Habsburgs renamed the city Karlsburg in honor of Charles. The upper city’s
fortress with seven bastions, in a star shape, was constructed between
1716–1735 by Giovanni Morando Visconti, in a Vauban style.
- In 1918, on 1 December, tens of thousands of
Romanians, representatives of the Transylvanian Saxons, and other minorities of
Transylvania, gathered in Alba Iulia on December 1, to vote the proclamation of
the Union of Transylvania with the Kingdom of Romania.
- In 1922, Ferdinand of Romania was symbolically
crowned King of Romania in Alba Iulia in an act which mirrored the achievement
of Michael the Brave. The Reunification Cathedral was built between 1921-1923,
- A list of historical objectives: Alba Carolina fortress, Bathyaneum
library, Reunification Cathedral, Roman Catholic Cathedral, National Museum of
Unification, The Unification Hall.
Call for papers 1